Các bạn sinh viên quan tâm vui lòng đăng ký thông tin qua đường link:

: Optimization for controlled sweeping processes and applications. How to get scholarships to study applied mathematics in the US
: PGS. TS. Nguyễn Nguyễn Trúc Đào
: Khoa Toán Trường Đại học Michigan, Ann Arbor
: Buổi seminar sẽ dự kiến diễn ra vào 18:00h ngày 17/07/2023
: Đại học Bách khoa Hà Nội
Tóm tắt báo cáo
The talk is mostly devoted to the necessary optimality conditions and applications of a novel optimal control theory for perturbed sweeping/Moreau processes to the general mobile robot dynamics with obstacles. Describing these models as controlled sweeping processes with pointwise/hard control and state constraints and applying new necessary optimality conditions for such systems allow us to develop efficient procedures to solve naturally formulated optimal control problems for the general robotics models and completely calculate optimal solutions in general situations.
How to get scholarships to study applied mathematics in the US.
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