Graph Learning for Malicious Javascript Detection

: 16h00, ngày 31/03/2023 (Thứ Sáu)

: P104 D3, ĐH Bách Khoa Hà Nội

: Machine Learning và Data Mining

: Nguyễn Minh Châu

: Cao học Toán Tin, ĐH Bách Khoa Hà Nội

Tóm tắt báo cáo

In a world where technology is increasingly developing, people are increasingly using smart devices or information systems in general to work as well as store personal information. Website is an important channel through which people can get and store information and access services from providers. Along with the development of technology, the development of attack methods targeting the information of individuals or organizations is also increasing. From here, the detection of malicious webpages has become an important and well-studied issue in recent years. In particular, XSS attack using malicious javascript is a common attack through websites. In this study, we propose a new graph learning method for the malicious javascript detection problem

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