International Workshop on Optimization, Optimal Control Theory and Applications March 2025

: Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, HUST

: 08h30, ngày 27/03/2025 (Thứ Năm)

: BK Alumni building, HUST

Mô tả sự kiện

International Workshop on Optimization, Optimal

Control Theory and Applications March 2025

In recent decades, automatic control and optimal control techniques have been widely applied in many fields such as communications, avionics, technology production process, and household appliances etc. Research on optimal control plays an important role not only in the improvement of optimal control theory but also have of great significance in the analysis, which offers good solutions for control problems such as: control the orbit-rotation of spacecrafts, control the device dynamics to reduce the implementation time, and saving fuel. The investigation and analysis of control algorithms for specific devices are complex. It usually takes much time to be implemented, and requires large costs. Therefore, optimal control theory and computer simulation have rapidly become a powerful tool used in many applications. It is well-known that optimal control problems for discretetime systems as well as continuous-time systems can be reduced to mathematical programming problems. Therefore, one can use tools and techniques from optimization problems to study qualitative properties of parametric vector optimal control problems. This Workshop “International Workshop on Optimization, Optimal Control Theory and Applications March 2025” aims at creating an academic forum to present fundamental principles of optimization, optimal control theory and applications, to exchange new results and share novel ideas in the field.

Organizing Committee:

  1. Nguyễn Cảnh Nam: Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
  2. Vũ Hữu Nhự: Phenikaa University, Vietnam
  3. Nguyễn Hải Sơn: Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
  4. Nguyễn Thị Toàn: Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
  5. Đoàn Duy Trung: Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam

Invited Speakers:

  1. Felipe Lara, Full Professor, University of Tarapaca, Arica, Chile
  2. Phan Tu Vuong, Associate Professor, University of Southampton, UK
  3. Vu Huu Nhu, Doctor, Phenikaa University, Vietnam
  4. Huynh Khanh, PhD Student, FPT University, Vietnam
  5. Nguyen Quoc Tuan, PhD Student, Hanoi pedagogical university 2, Vietnam
  6. Truong Tuan Khang, Graduate student, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
  7. Khuất Quang Thành, PhD Student, Academy of Finance

Preliminary program is here

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