: 14h00, ngày 05/06/2014 (Thứ Năm)
: 208 - C10, ĐHBK Hà Nội
: Seminar Các mô hình toán ứng dụng trong các hệ điều khiển và hệ sinh thái
: Nguyễn Thị Vân
: Đại học Thủy lợi
Tóm tắt báo cáo
We investigate effects of spatial heterogeneous environment and fast migration of individuals on coexistence of the intraguild predation (IGP) dynamics. We present a two-patch model. We assume that on one patch two species complete for a common resource, and on the other patch one species can capture the other one for the maintenance. We also assume IGP individuals are able to migrate between two patches and the migration process acts on a fast time scale in comparison with demography, predation and competition processes. We show that under certain conditions the heterogeneous environment and fast migration can lead to coexistence of the two species.