The Association of Former Teachers of HUST originated from the “Retired Officers” club, which was established in 1994 by the revolutionary veteran teacher Nguyen Thien Huoc (former Vice Rector of HCMUT) together with teachers Pham Luong Tue, Phan Tuan Dong… proposed.
During its operation, the Association has attracted many retired officials to participate. In 2004, under the direction of the Ministry of Education and Training, the Association of Former Teachers of Vietnam was officially established and the Association of Former Teachers of Hanoi University of Science and Technology was one of its first members. With a large number of retired cadres of the University, the Association has established branches according to each working unit.
In 2006, the Association of Mathematics and Information Technology was established, including 45 staff from 02 faculties of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology (now the School of Applied Mathematics & Informatics and the School of Information and Communication Technology). A comrade named Le Trong Vinh was appointed as the president and another comrade named Do Xuan Loi as the vice resident.
The operation process of the Association of Former Mathematics Teachers has become the basis of cohesion between retired cadres, current cadres and the Alumni Association of the two institutes. Thanks to the aforementioned association, the Association of Mathematics and Information has had useful activities serving the purpose of “Living healthy, living happily and living usefully”. With a force consisting of 65 members (2013), including 4 professors and 14 associate professors, the Association of Former Mathematics Teachers has been making many contributions to scientific research, organizing seminars, participating in teaching and exchanging lectures , experience, working together with young cadres not only in university training but also in master’s and doctoral degrees.
Due to the increase in the number of retired cadres, in order to have a tighter and more harmonious combination in expertise, in 2013, with the consent of the Association of Former Teachers of Hanoi University of Science and Technology, the Branch of Mathematics and Information Technology was separated into 2 branches according to the two respective Institutes. The branch of School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics has 40 members.
President: PGS.TS. Le Trong Vinh
Vice President: TS. Nguyen Huu Tien
The annual outstanding activities of the Union:
- Consulting and participating in some activities in : Teaching, Seminar, Writing Outlines,…;
- Connecting to Alumni Association, helping the promotion of training of the School
- Organizing annual meetings and gatherings in Teacher’s Day 20/11;
- Visiting teachers when they are sick or have passed down;
- Collaborating with the Union Institute to organize longevity celebrations for teachers who reach the age of 70, 75, 80 and over 80 to express the respect for beloved teachers of alumni and cadres of the next generation.
The Association of Former Teachers of the School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics is a positive factor and they will continue to provide the next generations with many useful things in training and professional activities, serving for the development of the School, Hanoi University of Science and Technology. , as well as for the development of the country.
60th Anniversary of the Foundation of the School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics